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Friday, July 28, 2006
Would you dance if I asked you to dance Would you cry if you saw me crying Would you tremble if I touched your lips Would you die for the one you love hurm. not much happened this week. the usual stuff. but okay, yesterday we had e-learning day which was like so failure for me aileen and jacq. those two morons came over to my house, and then we watched spoofs and scary movie 4, and after that we slept from 12.30 to 3.30 hahaha bloody hell. so then we went for lunch and went to jacq's house to print the english stuff out, and met mr. flatface, who has some kind of deformity.. tsk poor thing :( jacq went to cut its ribbon out, that mean woman.. tsk. okay so by 7, all we did was the english WS. hahaha. we were like damn lucky the chinese compo wasnt accessible to us otherwise we'd be like so so so dead. and i had stomachache for the whole fricking day, spoilt my fun. :( okay so today was kinda slack lah huh. after school went to do cip with priyanka and hoting in toa payoh library. I'M BLOODY SORRY K, BIFFBALL AND ELEPHANT AND WATERPEACE. :D anyway. sheesh. lugged home a pile of books cus it just looked so nice to read. hawhaw. oh, and we saw this transvestite. urm. a guy who went to change his sex. is that a transvestite? okay whatever. a sex-changed guy. its so fricking damn gay, i mean like its damn obvious she was a guy cus the voice was like deep and the boobs were too round and the adams apple was jutting out. i really dont get why would anyone want to change their sex. its just so bloody weird luhh :@ im damn tired now :( i feel super shitted, cus the stupid english essay was supposed to be handed in on monday but goddamn shit i kept bloody forgetting, in the end i only handed in today and thats 2 days late not counting yesterday. urghhhhh tell me i suck okay no dont. Saturday, July 22, 2006
hoho, i went jogging in the morning today with devi, sinyee was supposed to come too but she overslept, that stupid pig. haha anyway she helped me with my variations while i sat on the swing but apparently she thinks the answers are weird and wrong. ok hehehe and i didnt eat breakfast today cus i just wasnt hungry, haha i went home bathed and slept again, till lunch.went with clarine and jacq to watch nacho libre today what a stupid show. ok its quite funny but quite stupid too. haha, jacq wanted to watch pirates but it was sold out like shit. and ahha ms mao and beh were at the movies too. hmmmm, okay and we ate dinner at long john & we did alot of talking and stuff of like people. and then she talked of her brothers and stuff which made me miss mine :(((( haha even though he always pisses me off by calling me fat and stupid and stuff. but its not really what he says its how he says it, like he really means it when he says it okay. and we did some stupid mask painting on wed. hahaa. stupid tara said mine was the ugliesttt, oh well its meant to be ugly anyway so like whatever lah huh. its quite fun though ehehee shiu an gave mine 5 ear studs on each ear and i gave hers one red eye and some weird colour for the other eye, and then she drew a fugly purple heart on my hand that made me look like i had some skin problem aahaha. im looking through all my nz photos and its making me miss that place so damn much! hahaa. my roomies, and all the people that i got close to in the trip. like huishan nianci pearlyn priyanka and all. its like we were so close and had so much fun there and then you come back here to singapore and everyone gets distant again. well we still say hi and stuff but it isnt the same, during the trip we hung out with each other like 24/7 but we hardly see each other anymore in school cus of like we're all in different classes and we hang out with different people. i hate it, i find it like really really really sad Tuesday, July 18, 2006
What did you learn at school today?That's what the teachers used to say But they don't know, don't understand, do they? Why do they always give advice Saying just be nice, always think twice When it's been a long time since they had a teenage life THAT SONG IS SO CUTE. HAHA. okay. we had a lame day today. hahaha surprise surprise we got into finals for chinese talentime and elephant said the sky wont be blue anymore. ehehe. SING YOUR LUNGS OUT AILEEN! :D love you man. oh well and then we had chinese tea appreciation and it was just like talking and drinking tea. haha raina jacq waterpeace bev and i shared stupid jokes. doraemon and hello kitty and racist jokes. ohkay and took bus with jacq charissa and kat the fishball. hahaha beefballs and fishballs and chicken balls. TSK. kat's so perv. k anyway jacq charissa and me went compasspoint to eat burger king and then ice cream hahaha and then we gossiped bout people. poor charissa i bet she reached home at like 7.30.. anyway i skipped dinner cus i was so damn fricking full! haha. im really growing fat these days cus i ate so daaamn much. like on sat had one whole big bowl of meepok and icecream and famous amos. hahaha. okay. had listening yesterday. quite okay la huh. but they shouldnt hold it so late cus most of us were like falling asleep by the time the stupid thing started. and it doesnt help when they play that chopin beethoven whatever music it just like.. induces us to sleep today leong said the society views young people as being apathetic, having no strong views and no passion. hahaha oh well and its really quite true! for me at least. hahaa im always sitting on the fence. but come on, we're teens, if we got into those political stuff and acted like serious adults then this world will be a shit ass boring one, wont it. oh wait, i have a passion, its called eating ok this is a lame post but then all of my posts are lame actually hahaaha ok this has no point so yeah goodnight and btw i hate my stupid retarded computer cus it hung on me for no apparent reason hahaha and then i got so frustrated i went to press alt del for like umpteen times and it hung even more. i hate it when the stupid com hangs hahah so i just switch off the stupid main switch, so now you know why my com's always getting spoilt. okay well. goodnight. Friday, July 14, 2006
i swear __ and __ are the grossest sluts in the world, first class bitches and skanks, whores
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Lay down with me, tell me no liesJust hold me close, don't patronize Don't patronize me Happy belated birthday Charlyn Lim, i loooveee youuuuu. haha. thanks for listening to me and my sad crap the other day ahaha. and putting up with me, haha i dunno if you ever noticed but in sec one when we were partners sometimes i kept pmsing and ignoring you hehehe. oh well. today we did kickboxing it was quite fun... but the trainer came late so we had like only 20 mins of it. huifang's damn gay luhhh i feel really emo and tired and sad :( we're having 10 tests in this month and it's making me bloody tired lah i know those triple science people have like 11 or 12, i highly admire them cus if it was me, i'd have committed suicide. haha okay no but i'd have given up and not study at all cus study is shit. AND WHY DO WE SPEND THE FIRST 20 SOMETHING YEARS OF OUR LIFE DOING SHIT. that's 1/4 of our whole life, and our whole childhood and teenage years, which are supposedly the best years of our life yeah right. i think its the worse. the best are like when you retire and you get to travel around the whole world. AND I'VE ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS WONDERED EVER SINCE SEC ONE WHEN WE LEARNT ABOUT RIOTS AND STUFF, THERE ARE LIKE THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS IN SINGAPORE AND IT HAS TO BE LIKE 30 TIMES MORE THAN THE NUMBER OF TEACHERS CUS EACH TEACHER TEACHES AROUND 40 STUDENTS, SO WHY DO STUDENTS NEVER RIOT AGAINST THE TEACHERS AND MOE. WHY WHY WHY. WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE OH SO BRAVE LEADERS LIKE. WHOEVER AND WHOEVER. SEE WHAT I MEAN. WHY STUDY WHEN EVERYTHING YOU LEARN'S GONNA BE FORGOTTEN LIKE RIGHT AFTER THE EXAMS. THEY SAY LEARNING IS FOR LIFE BUT NO IT'S SO NOT TRUE, LEARNING IS FOR EXAMS. :(((((((((( OKAY, GAY POST LAH! SHITTUMS. AND IDIOTIC ITALY WON. HAHAHA. i bet if zidane didnt go out france would've won. but oh well. BYE. everybody wants it. it's just a question of how much. Saturday, July 08, 2006
Hullo im supposed to study for chem now but whatever lah huh. (: i'm very tired now :(((((( just came back from airport, went to send michelle off omg it was so sad.. hehehe i saw her hugging her grandma and i started crying and then i made melissa cry :D oh well. anyway I FORGOT TO BRING THE PRESENT ALONG and my grandma had to bring it out for me hahaha. she offered okay, i didnt make her come out. lol. and i am growing faaat like a hippo now hahah i had three full meals so far and it isnt even dinnertime yetttttt. :( i ate breakfast at home but stupid annn hadnt eaten anything yet, so went burger king hahaha and then i ate the egg platter thing which was so filling. and oily. and for lunch went sakae with charmaine elephant and kat((((: oops melissa i mean. hahaha. today i learnt that kat is really gross. haha. every word that comes out of her mouth has to do with a body part. hahahaha. yeppp. and on thursday we had oral[: haha i think the examiners were very nice and plus they looked like toilet cleaners instead eheheh. anyway. they said i was too nervous. and its like whenever i stop to think of what to say next then they start asking me another question so in the end i got alot alot of questions. sheeshhh cant they just like wait 10 secs for me to think. and i thought they were gonna offer us sweetsss SO BAD LAH if they're not gonna offer us then can they please not put it there, like right in front of uss. that's so meannnn i was practically choosing which sweet to take in my mind already k. okay. that's all. boring week. portugal vs germany tonight[: two of my favorite teams. GOODBYE MICHELLE, GOODLUCK AND HAVE FUN IN CANADA, BON VOYAGE AND HAVE A SAFE FLIGHT! LOVE YOU LOADSSS Do the memories fall, like a driving rain. Wednesday, July 05, 2006
SHITTUMSSSS I'M VERY SADDD :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( OKAY WHATEVER. ONLY HOTING AND DEVI KNOWSSSS. ACTUALLY HOTING ONLY KNOWS HALF OF IT THAT IDIOT.. CUS SHE REFUSED TO TALK BOUT IT WITH MEEEEE WHAT AN IDIOT. I MISS MY BROTHERRRR. THAT'S NOT WHAT'S MAKING ME SAD THOUGH, I JUST MISS HIM CUS I KNOW I CAN TALK TO HIM BOUT THIS KINDA STUFFF. WHAT A STUPID BROTHER I HAVE HE'S LIKE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY WHEN I NEED HIM THE MOST :((((((((((( ANYWAY I'M SUCH A LOSERRR. :(((((((((((((the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: DEVIIIIII the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: SHITTUMS devi she makes a man want to speak spanish says: hey! devi she makes a man want to speak spanish says: why are u so sad? the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: hahahha devi she makes a man want to speak spanish says: was u'r test fine? the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: um yeah NOT THE TESTTTTT the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: OKAYYYYY the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: DONT LAUGH!!! the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: I BET YOU WILLL devi she makes a man want to speak spanish says: i won't!! the air still full of empty promises and broken hearts says: HAHHAHA devi she makes a man want to speak spanish says: i don't laugh at sad ppl! devi she makes a man want to speak spanish says: haha cos i am very nice! :(((((((((((((( AND BIO PRAC WAS SHITTED UP YESTERDAY:D SERIOUSLY LIKE WHAT THE HELL MY RESULTS WERE ALL BLOODY SHIT I HAD TO CRAP UP SOME FAKO RESULTS. IM REALLY GLAD I SIT AT THE BACK THOUGH! HAHAHA. YAY BEVERLY YAY ME. AND THE FREAKING ONION HAD ME TEARING BEFORE I EVEN CUT ITTTT LIKE HOW SHIT. AND THEN MY HANDS WERE SHAKING LIKE NUTS AND THE GODDAMN FREAKING VISKING TUBING LIKE SERIOUSLY WONT OPEN TILL BEV TOLD ME TO USE A KNIFEEE. AND I BET MR TEH THOUGHT WE WERE CHEATING. HAHA. HONESTLY YEAH KINDA. AHAHAHA. :D ANYWAY PLEASE LAH WHAT KINDA TEST MAN I MEAN 3SE'S TEACHER WAS TALKING BOUT GERMANY AND ITALY AND FRANCE WHEN THEY WERE HAVING IT. AND THEN HAD CHINESE REMEDIAL AFTER THAT JEEEZ I MIGHT AS WELL DIDNT ATTEND. I MEAN OLIVIA EW AND I WERE DOODLING SHIT LAHHH. BTW SHE DRAWS FUGLY RAINBOWS. HAHAHAHA. TODAY JACQ PONNED SCHOOL. HAHA. OKAY MAYBE SHE REALLY FELL SICK BUT I BET SHE PONNED TO WATCH WORLD CUP! HAHAA. KIDDING. IM HAVING ORALS TOMORROWWW CHEERSS. AHAHA. LIKE WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT SERIOUSLY. ORAL IS SERIOUSLY TRULY SHIT ASS DUMB. HEHEE. charchar says: KAKA Bring it we can take it, what are you scared says: are you calling me charchar says: nono charchar says: i was calling the person behind u Bring it we can take it, what are you scared says: hahahaha or are you referring to that brazil football guy Bring it we can take it, what are you scared says: hahahaha charchar says: really? theres such? CHARCHAR IS RETARDED I WANT HER TO COME ONLINE LIKE NOWWWWWWW SO I CAN GO TELL HER BOUT MY SAD STUFF AHEHEHEE. OKAY CIAOZZZZZZ :( :( :( IM A LOSER. |